A Series of English Lectures on “Get to Know China Advancing Rural Revitalization Across the Board” (19-21)


ASeries of English Lectures on “Get to Know China: Advancing RuralRevitalization Across the Board”(19-21)

Inorder to implement the guiding principles of the 20th CPC NationalCongress, promote the high-quality development of the Belt and RoadInitiative, and understand the concept of development of a humancommunity with a shared future, the School of Business Administrationof our university holds the "Wenhan International Forum"aiming to better tell China’s stories, expand the global view, andpromote the integration between China and foreign countries. Thisseries of forums is an academic feast jointly created by the team ofProfessor Ding Shijun (advisor of the World Bank and FAO Energy andPoverty Project), Khon Kaen University of Thailand, BangladeshAgricultural University and Sylhet Agricultural University ofBangladesh. The research teams of the three countries will hold 30academic forums on the theme of "Poverty and inequality researchin China, Thailand and Bangladesh" for two months.

5thweek schedule


ZOOMnumber820395 7087




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