(1) Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens and in good health.
(2) Applicants must not be a student of Chinese university at the time of application (except for those who graduated from Chinese university for one year or longer.)
(3) Applicants for master’s studies should have obtained a bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35; applicants for doctorate studies should have obtained a master’s degree and be under the age of 40;
(4) Applicants should not be holding any other scholarship provided by Chinese government.
2、Award details
(1)Exemption from tuition fee
(2)Living stipend (Master student 3000 RMB/month, Doctorate student 3500 RMB/month)
(3)Free On-campus accommodation
(4)Foreign Students Comprehensive Medical Insurance for Chinese
Government Scholarship
地 址:中国湖北省武汉市东湖新技术开发区南湖大道182号
联 系 人:杨老师, 曹老师
电 话:0086-27-88387760
邮 箱:E-mail: admissions@zuel.edu.cn
网 址:http://ies.zuel.edu.cn
3、How to apply
(1)Visit http://www.csc.edu.cn/Laihua/ to complete the application online and print the application form for Chinese Government Scholarship.(Before April 15th, 2017)
(2)Applicants must send all the required documents to 203 Office of International Education School, ZUEL by post or in person before April 15th, 2017, otherwise, it will be considered as a waiver of application.
Mail address is the following: (the envelope must be marked “Application for Chinese Government Scholarship-CUP, 2017”)
Address: International Education School, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
182# Nanhu Avenue, East Lake High-tech Development Zone, Wuhan City, Hubei Province P.R. China, 430073
Contact person: Miss. Yang , Ms. Cao
Tel: 0086-27-88387760
E-mail: admissions@zuel.edu.cn
Webpage: http://ies.zuel.edu.cn
四、纸质申请材料(一式两份并按顺序整理) 1、《中国政府奖学金申请表》 请登录中国留学基金委来华留学网站(http://www.csc.edu.cn/Laihua/)填写表格, 并打印申请表,粘贴照片,签名。(留学项目种类:B类,中南财经政法大学机构代码:10520) 2、经公证的最高级教育的学历证明、毕业证书或学位证书的复印件和英文翻译件。 3、经公证的最高级教育的成绩单的复印件和英文翻译件。 4、奖学金个人陈述/学习计划 申请硕士专业的字数要求1000字以上,申请博士专业的字数要求1500字以上。 5、两位教授或副教授(或相当职位人员)的推荐信,须为中文或英文的原件(要有 推荐人签名和联系方式)。 6、护照的个人信息页复印件(至2017年9月30日仍有效)。 7、体检证明 8、申请英文授课项目需提供英文水平证书,如母语或官方语为英文则只需提供相关证明;申请中文授课项目需提供HSK5级证书或以上。 ★无论申请成功与否,以上材料一律不予退还。 4. Application documents required(in duplicate and in order as the following) (1) Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship with the applicant’s signature and photo. Please visit http://www.csc.edu.cn/Laihua/ to complete the application online and print the application form. (Program Category: Type B, Agency No.10520 for ZUEL) (2)The Diploma of highest degree conferred (master or bachelor) or proof of impending graduation (for applicants in their final year of study). (3)Transcripts of Highest Education(Notarized Copy) (4) Personal Statement for Scholarship/Study Plan. Above 1000 words for master candidates, above 1500 words for PhD candidates. Write in Chinese (Chinese-taught program) or English (English-taught program). (5) Two recommendation letters. The referee should be professor or associate professor or person with relevant academic title. The recommendation letter must be in Chinese or English and the referee’s signature and contact information are necessary. (6)A copy of valid passport identification page, and it should be an ordinary passport and be valid until Sept. 30th, 2017. (7)Physical Examination Record for Foreigner (8)HSK5 level certificates or above are needed for Chinese-taught program applicants; English language certificates are needed for English-taught program applicants. (Notarized language certificate is OK for applicants whose official language is English.) ★The above-listed application document in Item 3 must be original or notarized copy, and with notarized Chinese or English translation if the original one is not in Chinese or English. ★All documents submitted for application will not be returned.
5. Result Release Time
The applicant may focus on website Notice in International Education School of ZhongNan University of Economics and Law.
6. Others
(1)Scholarship students should register at ZUEL on the date specified by the university on admission notice. Students who arrive late without approval in advance will have their Scholarship status automatically cancelled. Students who have kept the admission but postponed their registration to the following academic year will have their scholarship status cancelled.
(2)Scholarship students MUST participate in annual scholarship evaluation. Scholarship holders who fail to meet the requirements will have their scholarship cancelled.
(3) Scholarship students could not change their major or study period in principle.